{"id":14039,"date":"2018-06-03T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2018-06-02T16:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www2019.dash.org\/2018\/06\/03\/dash-core-v12-3-testing-is-now-open-please-join-and-help-test-the-upcoming-release\/"},"modified":"2021-09-18T11:37:15","modified_gmt":"2021-09-18T11:37:15","slug":"testing","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wp.dash.org\/news\/testing\/","title":{"rendered":"Dash Core v12.3 Testing is now open , please join and help test the upcoming release !"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hello everyone,<\/p>\n

UPDATE<\/strong>: has been uploaded to Github:
\nI\u2019ve also updated the links in this post.<\/p>\n

Please upgrade to the new version and issue mn-start on your masternodes.<\/p>\n

RC4 includes a few PrivateSend fixes and a protobump (mn-start required). It also includes a change in the sendrawtransaction RPC to reduce the risks behind the 0-conf+0-fee double spend that was recently shown by Vin Armani. The double spend shown by him is actually known since a long time and not a Dash only problem but affects many other coins. And even though it\u2019s not even a real bug\/vulnerability (merchants should never trust in simple 0-conf+0-fee transactions\u2026that\u2019s why we have InstantSend), we decided to reduce the risk by disallowing 0-fee transactions in sendrawtransaction by default (can be allowed through a parameter).<\/p>\n

InstantSend should now also work better on testnet when large parts of the network have not yet upgraded. Please test this.<\/p>\n

Detailed changes:\u00a0https:\/\/github.com\/dashpay\/dash\/compare\/v0.12.3.0-rc3\u2026v0.12.3.0-rc4<\/a><\/p>\n


After a lot of unfortunate things happening one after another and getting into our way of releasing 12.3, we are finally at a point were we can go to public testing on testnet. For this, we created a 12.3 release candidate (v0.12.3.0-rc2) which can now be downloaded from the Github release page.<\/p>\n

Github release candidate:\u00a0https:\/\/github.com\/dashpay\/dash\/releases\/tag\/v0.12.3.0-rc4<\/a>
\nRelease notes can be found here:\u00a0

One of the efforts we did in the last days was to fix and re-establish Gitian building and signing. This is not fully done yet, as there seems to be some non-determinism when the final windows setup.exe is built. We will investigate\/fix this in the future. The actual binaries however (which are inside the setup.exe) match between Gitian builds and are signed as well. Gitian sigs can be found here:\u00a0https:\/\/github.com\/dashpay\/gitian.sigs<\/a><\/p>\n

Before testing:
\nMake sure you made a backup of you mainnet datadir somewhere or at least a backup of wallet.dat\/dash.conf\/masternode.conf;
\nOr use the -datadir and -conf parameters to use completely different directories.<\/p>\n

What\/how to test:<\/p>\n