{"id":109606,"date":"2024-07-24T22:48:04","date_gmt":"2024-07-24T22:48:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wp.dash.org\/?p=109606"},"modified":"2024-07-24T22:48:04","modified_gmt":"2024-07-24T22:48:04","slug":"introducing-dash-evolution-platform","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wp.dash.org\/blog\/introducing-dash-evolution-platform\/","title":{"rendered":"Introducing Dash Evolution"},"content":{"rendered":"
We\u2019re releasing the biggest release in Dash\u2019s history, the Evolution platform. What started as a simple vision for blockchain-level usernames and contact lists back in 2015 <\/span><\/a><\/span>has evolved into a much more ambitious project. In order to properly fill in all the missing gaps around decentralized money, we had to dive into decentralized data as well. Now, after many years, we\u2019re finally releasing the first great step in fulfilling this vision: the Genesis release<\/span><\/a><\/span>. <\/span><\/div>\n
So what is Dash Evolution? <\/span>Evolution is a first-of-its-kind decentralized application platform that lets you build apps on fast, easy and reliable access to decentralized data.<\/span> More specifically, Evolution is a platform for executing data contracts. These write data to indexed and queryable decentralized storage. A sidechain run by the same nodes as run the main chain processes data transactions, while the network\u2019s decentralized API allows anyone to access that data on demand. It\u2019s ideal for any app where you want to store data in a decentralized way, and quickly search and access exactly the piece of data you need. Some of these might include accounting software, merchant maps, social media, really anything where you need to store data in a decentralized, censorship-resistant way, and where you can easily call up exactly the data you need, exactly when you need it.<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
This is a <\/span>very<\/span> ambitious project. This isn\u2019t just adding a new feature set to Dash, but rather is launching an entirely new and radically different blockchain network that interfaces with the legacy Dash network.<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Let\u2019s break down the structure of the Evolution platform.<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Evolution is run by validator nodes called Evolution Masternodes (EvoNodes), a special kind of masternode that runs both Core (the regular Dash payments chain) and Platform (Evolution). It\u2019s comprised of four major elements:<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n