{"id":106813,"date":"2023-05-15T14:08:24","date_gmt":"2023-05-15T14:08:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wp.dash.org\/?p=106813"},"modified":"2023-05-15T15:35:58","modified_gmt":"2023-05-15T15:35:58","slug":"dash-core-group-release-announcement-dash-platform-v0-24-on-testnet","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wp.dash.org\/blog\/dash-core-group-release-announcement-dash-platform-v0-24-on-testnet\/","title":{"rendered":"Dash Core Group Release Announcement: Dash Platform v0.24 on Testnet"},"content":{"rendered":"

Release Highlights include: Identity v2 improvements, Headers first synchronization in JavaScript SDK, Porting DPP to Rust, a New Fee System, Same-block execution, Dashmate Improvements, Protocol Version Signaling, Decentralized API with HTTPS, Dash Network Deploy Tool updates<\/span><\/i><\/p>\n

Dash Core Group is pleased to announce the release of Dash Platform v0.24 on testnet. <\/span>The primary focus of this version was the introduction of the Rust port for the Dash Platform Protocol, which was originally implemented in JavaScript. Another major improvement is an implementation of same-block execution approach for Platform chain. This allows block commitment and signing within a single block, an improvement over the previous two-block system.<\/span><\/p>\n

This version also includes two groundbreaking features to the blockchain industry: total balance verification and fee refunds. The total balance verification protects against inflationary bugs and attacks. It ensures that the total amount of Dash on Platform is always equals to the amount brought in minus the amount withdrawn. With this release, we’re also introducing an update to our state transition fee system, dividing fees into storage and processing components. Furthermore the implementation of decentralized identities on Dash Platform has seen numerous enhancements allowing more fine grained requests, lower storage and processing costs.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

As with our previous updates, v0.24 brings many other technical improvements. These touch on dependencies and Platform components such as the Dash Network Deploy tool, Tenderdash, Dashmate, GroveDB, and the JavaScript SDK. We would like to mention that the release notes for this update also encompass changes from Platform v0.23. Although it was never formally announced or launched on the testnet, its developments have been integrated into v0.24.<\/span><\/p>\n

While this release of the Platform remains in the beta stage, the first component, Dashmate, is now fully prepared for mainnet nodes deployment. We recommend utilizing Dashmate to configure your first Evonet masternode.<\/span><\/p>\n

Release Highlights<\/span><\/b><\/h1>\n