July 21, 2019 1:20 am

This Week in Dash: July 15 – July 20th

This week has been another fantastic week with Dash network developments, integrations and general news. Keep reading to get a summary of the week.

Dash Network Developments of the Week:

  • Dash Hashrate Reaches New All-Time High, Outpaces Competitors: Dash’s hashrate reached a new high of 4.097 petahashes this week, up from the earlier high this year in April of 3.2385 petahashes. This is a 170% increase over the hashrate one year ago of 1.5163 petahashes and much larger increase that Litecoin’s hashrate growth of 63.4% over the same period. Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV have also fared worse since their chain split, Bitcoin Cash only seeing a 85% increase and Bitcoin SV even seeing a a 19.77% decrease. It should also be noted that both Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV SHA-256 mining algorithm, which makes them more interchangeable and also more prone to 51% attack risks. Dash being the largest coin using X11 and its recent implementation of ChainLocks along with its rising hashrate make it more secure against 51% attacks.
  • Total Dash Masternode Count Hits 5,000 in Sign of Market Demand: This week, Dash’s total Masternode count hit 5,000 with 4,872 of them currently enabled. This aligns with when Dash activated the distributed key generation (DKG) spork to enable long-living masternode quorums (LLMQs) to prevent 51% attacks with ChainLocks and of the total 4,945 masternodes on the network, only 4,704 of them where active since non-compliant Masternodes were kicked off the network.  The growing number of……….

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Author: Dash News
Original link: https://dashnews.org/this-week-in-dash-july-15-july-20th/

About the author



tungfa is responsible for social media communications, and posts both original stories and links to news coverage of Dash from around the web.

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