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June 24, 2018 12:00 am

Starting From Scratch | Zimbabwe (Frame48 – Dash Funded – KuvaCash)

After 5 life-altering economic crises, Zimbabwean citizens have hustled and strived to achieve a normal life, but the current system is filled with friction and impossible hurdles. Few viable solutions have been conceived, and the solutions that have come to the forefront drastically impact the amount of money Zimbabweans are able to retain. With limited access to FIAT currency, the import of goods comes at an extreme price, and that price is passed on to consumers.

There has been a rise in interest in cryptocurrencies because of their international value, but exchange rates within the country are much higher than the international market. Kuvacash, a group of global entrepreneurs funded by the DASH treasury, and led by James Saruchera, is an organization trying to solve these problems by taking advantage of blockchain technology to leapfrog Africa to the forefront of financial technology.

Author: Frame 48
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