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November 4, 2017 12:00 am

Link Collection – All Recent Core Team Communications (incl. Roadmap)

Dash Dinosaur[M] – announcement

Last updated: Nov 10th, 2017

r/dashpay Rules – By posting in this subreddit you acknowledge to have read and understood these rules

Scam warning: fake web wallets


  • This thread shifted from its original purpose. It now serves as info source on different aspects of Dash. Content directed at experienced users.
  • Newbies check sidebar to the right, this infographic or the Dash Wiki
  • Please check out the job openings below. Dash Core is always on the lookout for new talent. Payment is market rate.
  • HQ-Conference footage from the first Dash Conference in London and several interviews with Ryan Taylor added
  • Misconceptions section expanded
  • Dash Core Community Update linked below!
  • Upgrade instructions and guides added below

Table of contents

  1. Communications
  2. Upgrade Instructions & Guides
  3. Dash Core is hiring
  4. Quarterly Summaries & Budget Reports
  5. Notable Core Team Proposals
  6. Dash Whitepapers
  7. Dash Technology Peer-reviewed
  8. Addendum: Misconceptions on Dash cleared up
  9. FSQ (just for fun)


  1. ‘We’re Doing the Planning That Takes Us to 1 Billion” – Ryan Taylor, Dash Director of Finance
  2. The philosophy behind the DASH reward split by (now) Dash Core CEO Ryan Taylor
  3. Dash’s Ryan Taylor at TNABC Bitcoin Miami 2017 (Best presentation on Dash so far!)
  4. What is DASH & Where Is It Going? 2017 DASH Open House 
  5. [Hong Kong Research and Planning – by Evan Duffield](
  6. Dash Roadmap to Evolution
  7. How To Enable On-Chain Scaling by Evan Duffield
  8. DFN – Interview with Evan on Dash’s Roadmap
  9. Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing
  10. Wachsman PR – Q2 project closure report
  11. Interview With The Crypto Show! – Evan Duffield
  12. Dash Improvement Proposal No. 1 – DIP001
  13. Important information regarding wallet backups
  14. Dash Labs Network Update
  15. Copay Wallet going into closed Alpha Testing
  16. 1st Annual Dash Conference: London Keynote Professional HQ Recording
  17. DASH – DIGITAL CASH by Robert Wiecko at SWITCH! 2017
  18. Crucial information to all proposal owners: Do NOT use multisig addresses as payout destinations!
  19. Interview With Ryan Taylor, The CEO Of Dash Core Team
  20. Ryan Taylor at the World Blockchain Forum
  21. Ryan Taylor interview with Crypto Trader (MSNBC Africa)
  22. Dash Core Community Update
  23. Dash Core 12.2 Release
  24. Dash CEO Ryan Taylor: „Dash is in many ways a better Bitcoin”
  25. Update from Dash Core on Business Development

Upgrade Instructions (12.1 & 12.2) & Guides

  1. Upgrade Instructions for Masternodes (12.2)
  2. Upgrade Instructions for End Users (12.2)
  3. Upgrade Instructions for Masternodes (12.1)
  4. Upgrade Instructions for End Users (12.1)
  5. Paper Wallet Setup Guide
  6. Trezor Guide for Masternode Operators

Dash Core is hiring!

  1. Internship at Dash Labs
  2. DashLabs – Trezor Engineer
  3. GPU Accelerator Project
  4. DevOps Engineer @ Dash
  5. Infrastructure Manager @ Dash
  6. Sr. Backend Developer Role @ Dash

2017 Quarterly Summaries from Dash Core

  1. Dash Core Team Q1 2017 Summary Call
  2. Dash Core Team Q2 2017 Summary Call
  3. Dash Core Team Q3 2017 Summary Call

2016 Quarterly Summaries from Dash Core

  1. Q1 2016
  2. Q2 2016
  3. Q3 2016
  4. Q4 2016

2017 Budget Reports

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June included in Q2 Summary
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September(?), October

2017 Core Team Monthly Reports

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March, April
  4. May
  5. June
  6. July included in Q2 Summary
  7. August, September, October assumed to be included in Q3 summary

Notable Core Team proposals:

  1. Dash sponsored Blockchain Research in Arizona State University
  2. Conferences – The Trading Show
  3. Money 20/20 in London
  4. Conferences – BTC & Blockchain International Summit
  5. Dash Conference 2017 (London)
  6. Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference (Stockholm)

Dash Whitepapers

  1. Original Dash Whitepaper
  2. Dash Evolution
  3. DashPay Decentralized Wallet
  4. Decentralized API Whitepaper
  5. Dash Evolution Prototype

Dash Technology Peer-reviewed

  1. Dash PrivateSend Peer Review by Kristov Atlas and Core Team’s Response
  2. Dash Governance Peer Review by IOHK and Dash Core Team’s Response

Addendum: Misconceptions on Dash cleared up

  1. What has Dash to offer other than features any other coin could just copy?
  2. InstantXploit? Cool Name, No Threat
  3. “Lazy Masternode” attack theory thoroughly debunked (see my comment)
  4. Hardware vs Software scaling – Why SegWit is not the savior of cryptocurrency
  5. How solid is PrivateSend, really?
  6. Dash has better wealth distribution than almost all top cryptos
  7. How is Dash NOT a ponzi scheme?
  8. PSA: DASH is not a CryptoNote clone – DashCOIN is
  9. Discussion/clarification on Dash’s opensource approach
  10. Evil Masternode tyrants ruling over us?! and Masternodes in Dash = The rich get richer?
  11. Has Dash’s development steadily declined over the past few months?
  12. The major advantage of optional privacy
  13. Ridiculous comments on Dash – by Kurt Robinson
  14. The Dash Masternode Network: A Response to Critics – by Eric Sammons
  15. Analysis of the first day in mining Dash by Ryan Taylor, (then) Director of Finance at Dash Core:
  16. How to Prevent the Hostile Takeover of a Blockchain: Eric Sammons on Dash Governance
  17. Official clarification on the “Instamine” issue (Fastmine actually)
  18. Evan Duffield has no more than 256,000 Dash and will give away 80% of that to fund DAOs within DASH
  19. 10 Stupid Things People Say About Dash And How To Respond
  20. Sporks: One of the foundations of Dash’s success
  21. There is no so called “Master Private Key” in Dash and there never has been. Sporks (explained above) have no relation to user funds, as the source code easily proves.
  22. Trolls vs. Users: The Limited Importance of Online Communities
  23. Dash PrivateSend and usage of denomination inputs
  24. Valuable link list from Dash Force member Mastermined
  25. “But Dash PrivateSend has a much smaller ambiguity set! Its privacy is broken!!!”

General notes:

During most of its history Dash has been under constant attacks, many of which trying to portray Dash as a failure. This is oxymoronic, because nobody hates on failures, especially not for 3+ years. We’re still here and we’re not going anywhere (except maybe well past the moon ;).

Remain skeptical towards sensational accusations without evidence. Our community is helpful, knowledgeable and more than happy to answer any questions, as we have done many times on this subreddit. Still, we’re all only human, have limited resources and we’re just one project among many (though a resident Top 10). Stakeholders and investors of other projects will always have an agenda to smear what they perceive as competition (I have yet to see our community actively go after other projects, though).

Just remember the Bullshit Asymmetry: “The amount of energy required to refute bullshit is at least an order of magnitude larger than to produce it.” So it would be very unjust to expect a refutation on the spot all of the time. Prefer taking the initiative by asking the community directly about the claim you’re confronted with. This community has proven many times to possess the integrity required to admit to technological shortcomings, but at the same time we’ll never hesitate to call out illegitimate claims and accusations, of which there are many, for what they are.

The most common and most empty attack is “Dash is a scam”.

  • Dash has surpassed its all-time high price several times
  • Its developers are publicly known, many by full name
  • It’s still being developed after almost 4 years with an incredible track record of under-promising and over-delivering, a game-changing roadmap & a clear vision of the future
  • Its technology works as advertised and remains objectively superior to Bitcoin and many other currencies
  • Myriads of projects copied Dash’s features
  • Look at the wealth of in-depth information linked on this page alone. Look at all the interviews, articles, news shows, podcasts, presentations, conferences, infrastructure, the people…. Does this all really look like a grandiose scam?

More importantly you have to ask the critic just this one question: Who was scammed? The answer usually consists of complete silence or attempts to change the topic.

Regarding Dash’s finances: Despite what many people assume influenced by the ICO insanity of the recent past, Dash did not have an ICO and Dash does notdepend on 3rd party funding/investors. It is self funded from the blockchain and thus an entirely independent organization that does exactly what it wants, not what any angel investors want us to do. Dash is the first currency in history to achieve that. In fact Dash pioneered almost every single one of its features making it one of the most prolific innovators in the cryptocurrency space. Before Dash invented them, none of these features existed:

  • X11: power saving hashing algorithm
  • Dark Gravity Wave: highly reliable difficulty adjustment
  • Sporks: Multi-phased forking technology avoiding hard forks during network upgrades
  • Masternodes: Incentivized full node infrastructure through split of mining reward
  • PrivateSend: protocol level coin mixing without the flaws of CoinJoin
  • InstantSend: instantly confirmed double spend proof transactions
  • Treasury: Self-funding by splitting of block reward
  • Blockchain Governance: Voting rights for those who provide our network’s backbone
  • Evolution platform technology: Under heavy development but making rapid progress towards true digital cash so user-friendly that even your grandmother could use it

To re-iterate a previous point:

Dash has been copied by several dozen other projects either completely or through selected features indicating a strong approval of its technology within the wider cryptocurrency industry. The most copied feature by far is the Masternode system and the financial self-reliance it provides.

Frequently shouted question

Q: What the…?

A: Yes, the plane is real. Meet the Dash Force One

Author: Basilpop
Original link:

About the author
