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June 13, 2019 12:11 am

Hundreds of Dash Masternodes Offline As Network Tightens Performance Standards

The Dash network has tightened its standards for masternodes, resulting in hundreds of nodes going offline due to the new performance requirements.

Last week, Dash’s DKG (distributed key generation) spork was activated, spurring the creation of long-living masternode quorums (LLMQs) for a new way of running the Dash network, enabling innovations such as ChainLocks 51% attack-proofing. As part of the upgrade, masternodes, in addition to simply remaining online, now have to provide consistent service benchmarks to the network, and receive a score based on service provided:

“Proof of Service (PoSe) is a scoring system used to determine if a masternode is providing network services in good faith. A number of metrics are involved in the calculation, so it is not possible to game the system by causing masternodes to be PoSe banned for failing to respond to ping requests by e.g. a DDoS attack just prior to payment. Each failure to provide service results in an increase in the PoSe score relative to the maximum score, which is equal to the number of registered masternodes. If the score reaches the number of registered masternodes, a PoSe ban is enacted and the masternode must be repaired to ensure it provides reliable service and registered in the list again using a ProUpServTx. The current scoring rules as of Dash 0.14 are:

  • Failure to participate in DKG= 66% punishment
  • Each subsequent block reduces PoSe score by 1″

Masternodes that do not meet the newly-implemented service standards can be banned from the network until these issues are rectified………..


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Author: Dash News
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tungfa is responsible for social media communications, and posts both original stories and links to news coverage of Dash from around the web.