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March 21, 2019 8:59 pm

Product Update — March 21, 2019

Product Update — March 21, 2019

Hello Dash Community!

Here’s what’s going on at Dash Core Group this week.

🍻 Dash Core v0.13.2 release on mainnet; non-mandatory upgrade with improvements to the masternode owner experience

👤 Improvements to masternode list retrieval function in DAPI

✅ Completed end to end tests for unique indices in Drive and made updates to class names to be consistent with industry terminology

🚂 Began development of DashWallet iOS Evolution features on a devnet with the latest version of the Dash Platform

📱Began rollout for DashWallet iOS v2.3.1 (bug fixes and code refactoring)

Dash Core Group Roadmap — March 21, 2019

About the author

Brian Foster